The Best Film Photography Hashtags to Use in 2023
In 2022, experts lamented the “death of film photography.” A decade later, however, people are desperate to get their hands on film. At the start of this year, some even…
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In 2022, experts lamented the “death of film photography.” A decade later, however, people are desperate to get their hands on film. At the start of this year, some even started buying disposable cameras just so they could remove the film and use it. Kodak, meanwhile, has increased its prices; in the past two years, they’ve hired hundreds of people in hopes of increasing production. Independent brands have stepped in to fill the gaps. Browse film photography hashtags on Instagram, and you’ll find a treasure trove of inspiration.
In 2023, film photographers can use hashtags to get their work seen by a global audience, reaching curators, editors, and tastemakers in the process. In this updated guide, we’re sharing some of our favorite film photography accounts that actively accept submissions via hashtags. Simply tag your photos to be considered for a feature.
Film All Over (@filmallover). Film photography hashtag: #filmallover.
“I’ve personally always wanted to have a community type of page but I never knew when or how it would come to be,” Caleb Martin, one of the creators and curators of FilmAllOver, reflects. “Ultimately, FilmAllOver came to exist off of the passion and love for film itself and the beauty of the process in taking and creating your own photos.
“The name came along because we wanted it to be all-inclusive. Everyone anywhere could be involved and have their photos shared. As far as submissions go, all we require is that you use our hashtag #filmallover and or tag our page directly @filmallover.
As for what they’re looking for, it depends on the curator. “I think we’ve done an amazing job of adding curators to the page that come from different backgrounds and love different styles of photography,” Martin says. “Personally, I’m drawn to landscapes seeing as I am from East TN where there are mountains and bare land, whereas someone like Kyler Steele spends time immersed in city life, like New Jersey and the surrounding areas.”

Film Shooters Collective (@filmshooterscollective). Film photography hashtag: #heyfsc.
With 1.3 million tags on Instagram alone, Film Shooters Collective is a worldwide community of photographers. Beyond the Instagram page, they release interviews and publications and present group exhibitions. Members have gone on to be featured by Kodak and included in international festivals.
“Sometimes, I have an idea of the type of photo I want to feature (street, landscape, portrait, b&w, color, etc),” curator and collective member Amy Jasek explains. “Fundamentals such as composition and exposure come into play, but I definitely strive to look beyond just pieces that suit my own personal taste. And, of course, the first rule is that the photograph has to have been made with film; I like to know about the camera and film used, so I can pass that information on to our followers.”
The hashtag is the best way to submit images for consideration. “Also, there are so many photos in that hashtag that it is worth reaching out via a message on Instagram too—especially for people who might have been using the tag for a while but feel like they haven’t been noticed,” Jasek adds. We can’t feature everybody, of course, but because of sheer numbers, we also can’t possibly catch every feature-worthy photo. Basically: don’t give up!”

Analogue People (@analogue_people). Film photography hashtag: #analoguepeople.
Founded and curated by Christophe Mauberqué, an artist based in France, Analogue People is a hub for film photographers, an online gallery, and an ever-expanding mood board. “Being a photographer myself, I see Analogue People as an extension of my own photography, developing themes like dreams, light, isolation, space, beauty, resilience, and more,” Mauberqué tells us. To date, the hashtag has well over one and a half million posts.
The Filmstead (@thefilmstead). Film photography hashtag: #thefilmstead.
The Filmstead is curated by four photographers: Gavin Thomas Spellman, Nevin Johnson, Jesse Joseph, and Valerie Giacobbe. They feature a range of landscapes, wanderlust-inducing travel images, portraits, and everyday, documentary-style images. Think mountainscapes and wildflowers, faraway places, sundrenched vistas, and nostalgic scenes from the open road.

Shoot It With Film (@shootitwithfilm). Film photography hashtag: #shootitwithfilm.
Owned and curated by the film photographer Kathleen Frank, the Shoot It With Film Instagram page is part of a larger community and magazine devoted to film photographers. “We are looking for creative and interesting film photography that shows how film is its own unique medium that is worth keeping alive,” Frank tells us.
“We want the portraits, landscapes, and experimental photography we feature to encourage others to keep shooting film or even try it for the first time. Our favorite images have a sense of storytelling and use light in beautiful and interesting ways. We also love images that incorporate experimental techniques to push the boundaries of what can be created with film.”
Expired Film Club (@expired_film_club). Film photography hashtag: #expiredfilmclub.
Miles Myerscough-Harris created Expired Film Club as a way of documenting his own journey into film photography. “In time, I gained a love of shooting expired film, and I thought it would be lovely to feature other photographers with a similar passion for shooting expired film,” he explains. “I started the #expiredfilmclub hashtag for people to submit their photos to be featured and to start building a community!
“I guess photos that stand out to me are of particularly gorgeous landscapes, interesting and different compositions and portraits, and photos shot using unique and rare film stocks. I’m a sucker for a good football (soccer) photo! The work I post on the page encourages me to experiment with weird and wonderful cameras I would never have normally used.”
Film is not dead (@filmisnotdead). Film photography hashtag: #filmisnotdead.
“Film is not dead was started to help sustain and expand the film photography community,” the @filmisnotdead team tells us. “The community is quickly growing and will be evolving in exciting ways. We hope to run more giveaways, share film and camera reviews and tutorials, and host events in the near future. Submissions can be made by tagging @filmisnotdead or using the hashtag #filmisnotdead.
“Also, we definitely check out the profiles of active community members. So if you’re commenting on other people’s work on our page, we will likely notice you. Any style of work is accepted. We actively aim to share a variety of styles. Anything that is aesthetically pleasing or interesting has a good shot to be featured.”

Tuesday Night Film Club (@tuesdaynightfilmclub). Film photography hashtag: #tuesdaynightfilmclub.
Tuesday Night Film Club is curated by the director and cinematographer Danny Corey and the photographer David Sadofsky, who first collaborated in 2019. “At that time, David and I were rediscovering our passion for film photography, and we would spend evenings, separately and together, shooting old motel signs whenever we could,” Corey remembers.
“The first time I intentionally went out after dark to practice taking nighttime film photos, it was a Tuesday evening.” Tuesday Night Film Club, named after the Sheryl Crow album Tuesday Night Music Club, was initially born as a personal project that evolved into the public community it is today.
“There are two essential criteria for submissions: 1. the photo must be taken at night, and 2. it must be shot on film,” Corey tells us. “The photos that stand out to us are usually shots of neon. There is something about neon on film that gets us every time. Beyond that, we’re just looking for an image that captures the imagination and places you in the scene.
“We tend to lean toward scenes that tell a story. Often with nighttime photography, there’s a loneliness and a moodiness to the images. We have found that we’re drawn to those photographs most often, and they tend to resonate with our community of fellow night dwellers.” Tuesday Night Film club accepts submissions via the hashtag, DMs, and email.
Photo Filmy (@photo.filmy). Film photography hashtag: #photofilmy.
Photo Filmy was created by Sarah Eastcott and is currently co-curated by three film photographers: Bob Price, Adam Newsham, and Jennifer L. Wilde. “The overall goal of the page is to share the work of film photographers and get connected with the community out there,” Price says. “In terms of submissions, we kinda look for the ‘New Topographics’ style, but there really isn’t anything that we look for in particular. It just depends on what catches the eye.
“What stands really stands out in a photo (to me) is composition. I was doing a lot of painting before photography, and that absolutely influenced my preference for a well-done perspective in photos. I am a fan of a well-done snapshot photo, too. I love it all! Just be yourself, and let your style shine through.”
Restore From Backup (@restorefrombackup). Film photography hashtag: #restorefrombackup.
Restore From Backup is a film photography community curated by Victoria Blissett Freeman and Edmund KBoateng Jr. They feature portraits, landscapes, nightscapes, still lifes, street scenes, and more, with plenty of creative approaches represented, from intentional motion blur to dreamy double exposures. Follow along to learn about new zines or books from photographers working in the film space, and tag #restorefrombackup to be considered.
Film Discovered Magazine (@filmdiscovered). Film photography hashtag: #filmdiscovered.
Curated by Joshua Robicheaux, Film Discovered showcases all genres of analog photography, with a taste for vivid color, painterly scenes, and atmospheric moments. You’ll also find some of the “happy accidents” that make film so special: lovely light leaks, beautiful grain, and rarer film stocks.

The Film Gang (@thefilmgang). Film photography hashtag: #thefilmgang.
Marcela Ferri created The Film Gang in 2016. “The idea came from my desire to create and expand a community around analogue photography, coupled with the fact that I always wanted to have my own magazine,” she tells us. “I also wanted to learn and help others learn and get inspired.
“The most rewarding part has been meeting and connecting people. There are quite a few photo agents and commissioners following TFG, so it’s nice to create another window so artists can get more exposure. One day, time and budget permitting, I would like to throw a big party for our community and present a printed edition with all our images, maybe when we turn ten? Editors and sponsors, let’s chat.”
There are two ways to submit your work for consideration: hashtagging your photos or emailing
She Shoots Film (@sheshootsfilm). Film photography hashtag: #sheshootsfilm.
Led by Editor-in-Chief Aliki Smith, She Shoots Film is an independent publisher of analog work by women photographers, comprising a printed magazine and online featured articles. “Put simply, our goal is to center the women in film photography and create a space where inclusion leads to equality,” the team shares. Artists can submit their work for consideration for an interview via the website, and you can tag your work #sheshootsfilm to get noticed on Instagram.
Load (@loadfilm). Film photography hashtag: #loadfilm.
Created by the photographer and creative director Maurice Pehle, Load was born as an online gallery and Instagram feature account. All images are hand-selected by Pehle, who’s known for his eye for color. Load has also introduced Load Radio, where they present new music to inspire the community as they shoot. You can submit your photos or music for consideration at If you’d like to just submit your photos for consideration on the main feed, you can tag @loadfilm and #loadfilm.
Film Fridge (@filmfridgemag). Film photography hashtag: #filmfridgemag.
The Oklahoma-based film photographer Aldo Delara founded Film Fridge to celebrate emerging and established film photographers. In addition to the Instagram feed, they also share in-depth artist interviews via their website. Today, the page is curated by a team of four, so you’ll see a mix of styles and genres, all united under a passion for analog. There are two ways to submit: via hashtag and via email.
The post The Best Film Photography Hashtags to Use in 2023 appeared first on Feature Shoot.